This is the portfolio site for the craftsman Richard Sanchez Pace; also know as Pacefactor.

I am a mixed media artist and designer, self-dubbed “post-synthetic” craftsman who combines the practical and aesthetic components and values of traditional and contemporary techniques, styles, and designs. I am very experienced with print media, and comfortable with the digital space as well. I also work with/make type (font) and other tools for creators when possible.

I work best when conceptualizing and problem solving, whether its fixing a house, fixing a logo, or fixing ideas.

I have made and worked on several tabletop games and products like tarot cards, seeing them from beginning to end, and have a clear historical influence on my work. I also ply my trade by creating conceptual design and art for clients so that they can better realize their ideas. I am a huge fan of mythology, history, theology, and philosophy and I have a very special place in my heart for the classical technical artists/draftsman and scientific diagram illustrators. I see illustration & design as a powerful tool for communication.

The work that I make is heavily influenced by comic, tattoo, graffiti, classic design and pop art. I am fascinated with technology, science, spirituality and esoteric traditions. I once sailed the ocean blue and saw much of the far east, along with a varied odd-job history, which added to my skills, perspective, and expertise.

You may find it strange that I go under the moniker “Ditehn”. This was a working name for a tabletop world project I have been working on for a long time, and is directly representative of something familiar to that environment. Bonus points for guess what it is.

Two hands, A mirror design - Idle Dreams; A spoken Reality...

Other Places you might find me:
was placed here after doing an interview with a Czech magazine.
Awesome people with a focus on mental disabilities.